Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

IBTC is determined to publish novel, sui generis and original works of the authors. So it is the duty of the authors to submit their original works only. Plagiarism is an act of crime and cannot be appreciated anyhow. So, plagiarized manuscripts will be highly discouraged. The material quoted verbatim must be placed in quotation marks. We strictly follow the rules and regulations set forth by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan and other international organizations concerned with the publication system of academic writing. Thus, a similarity index of less than 20 per cent is acceptable; the paper having a similarity index of 20 per-cent or more will be rejected in toto.

In case a research article is a part of a research thesis, the author shall make clear statement to the managing editor at the time of submission that the work is from the research thesis. However, the thesis shall not be published in book form by any other academic publisher.

If a paper has been published in the full paper proceedings of a conference or other meeting, the similarity of paper submitted for journal publication with its previous version should not be more than 35%. The author (s) is bound to mention such case to the managing editor when the submission process commences.